Sunday, January 1, 2012

First Day of the Last Year

So if the Mayans are right, and I hope they are not, today begins the last year. What would you do, how would you live if every day were numbered? Some live like this already. They have their reasons. Now I have mine. Sitting at my desk at the beginning of the last new year I wrote 3 things on a piece of paper: Write More, Complain Less, Be Thankful. I thought of it as a mantra, not a resolution. Turns out I am no better at keeping up a mantra than a resolution.

And so here we are. The blog I meant to start last year is getting off the ground before the clock strikes midnight. I will write more. I'll try to complain less. I intend to be thankful every day for the crazy wonderful life I have. Along the way I hope we'll have some laughs.


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